Vision, Mission & Values


Greater Texas Foundation’s vision is for all Texas students to have equal opportunity to access and succeed in postsecondary education.

Texas is a rapidly growing state with an increasingly diverse population. An educated workforce is essential for our dynamic economy, particularly as Texas businesses continue to expand and new companies relocate to our state.

If we hope to maintain that momentum, moving learners to and through completion of a postsecondary credential is essential. For that reason, the Board of Greater Texas Foundation has made access to and success in postsecondary education the cornerstone of our vision.


Greater Texas Foundation supports efforts to ensure all Texas students are prepared for, have access to, persist in, and complete postsecondary education. We put particular focus on helping underserved and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. We pursue our mission by forming partnerships, supporting research, sharing knowledge, and making grants.

Our state is large—in geography, population, and many other measures. The challenges facing Texas education are
enormous and greater than one single entity can address. For that reason, the foundation works to achieve specific
program goals and five-year objectives by forming partnerships and engaging all of its capabilities, including
grantmaking, capacity-building, regional collective action, knowledge-building, research, convening, and partnerships.

Greater Texas Foundation is committed to education in Texas. As part of that commitment, we work to develop relationships with educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, and others involved in education.


Collaboration and Partnership

We seek to achieve maximum impact with our resources by working with a diverse and strong set of partners.


We are a learning organization and seek original, underused, and enhanced solutions to expand the evidence base about postsecondary completion.

Sustainable Impact

We make investments that can create systematic and replicable change.


We are transparent, prudent, and responsible with our resources.


We seek to provide fair and effective opportunities to ensure postsecondary success for all students.

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