Student Supports
Enrollment in Texas postsecondary institutions has increased and diversified over time.
Between 2007 and 2017, four-year public university enrollment grew by 38 percentage points, and two-year public institutions saw an increase of 12 points.
More than 70% of the Texas postsecondary population are students of color, and about half receive Pell grants due to financial need.
Despite these positive changes, disparities among racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and other groups persist, and completion remains a challenge for all student groups. Overall, only 23 of every 100 Texas students who entered the eighth grade in 2008 completed a postsecondary degree or certificate within eleven years.
Greater Texas Foundation supports efforts of secondary and postsecondary education systems to effectively serve students from all backgrounds to complete postsecondary credentials by:
Supporting differentiated approaches designed to improve postsecondary completion for students from all backgrounds with potential for generating institution-and systems-level change.
Using research to build the knowledge of partners, policymakers, and institutions.
strategies to support
student access to and
success in college.
Our grantmaking and other efforts related to this goal are designed to increase the number of Texas students who complete a certificate, associate degree, or baccalaureate degree leading to a living-wage job, particularly students of color, adult learners, and low-income students.